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A $1 share can only fall $1 but can rise indefinitely
When it comes to trading, I like to take a little risk. My experience tells me that stocks valued at $100 and above can sometimes significantly drop in value. Fokker, Imtech, ING and Fugro for example all dopped to sub $10. Buy low and sell high is my motto and that credo fits the Stocks Under $10 team well.
When I saw the low subscription cost of Stocks Under $10, I just wanted to see if they picked some stocks that fit my portfolio. I didn't follow all advice but cherrypicked only the best. So far, Stocks Under $10 served me well.
I don't have a lot of money to invest, but I learned a lot from the Stock Under $10 team. You often see them pick stocks in recovering from a dip with great potential to rise in value.
The nice thing about penny stocks is that your losses are limited, but the profit potential is virtually unlimited. Now and then, you strike a hidden gem.
We mikken op een winst per aandeel onder een tientje van 40% á 50%.
Niet alleen mensen met voldoende geld, maar ook studenten en andere selectieve investeerders proberen rijk te worden met goedkope aandelen, en het is bewezen dat dit kan. Wie een paar luttele dollars geïnvesteerd had in aandelen van Microsoft kan nu een penthouse kopen in Amsterdam.
Kansen zoeken en kansen pakken, dat is wat wij doen.
Rick van Zelst
When it comes to trading, I like to take a little risk. My experience tells me that stocks valued at $100 and above can sometimes significantly drop in value. Fokker, Imtech, ING and Fugro for example all dopped to sub $10. Buy low and sell high is my motto and that credo fits the Stocks Under $10 team well.
When I saw the low subscription cost of Stocks Under $10, I just wanted to see if they picked some stocks that fit my portfolio. I didn't follow all advice but cherrypicked only the best. So far, Stocks Under $10 served me well.
I don't have a lot of money to invest, but I learned a lot from the Stock Under $10 team. You often see them pick stocks in recovering from a dip with great potential to rise in value.
The nice thing about penny stocks is that your losses are limited, but the profit potential is virtually unlimited. Now and then, you strike a hidden gem.
We aim for an earnings per share of 40% to 50%.
Not only wealthy people but also students and other selective investors are trying to get rich by buying cheap stocks, and it has been proven effective. Anyone who had invested a few dollars in Microsoft shares can now buy a penthouse in New York.
We are on the hunt for opportunities and catch them. That’s what we do.
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You enter the first subscription period for the term you have chosen. If you want to terminate the subscription at the end of this period, you can cancel the subscription subject to a notice period of 4 weeks before the renewal date.
Call (085) 06 537 85 or email us at [email protected].